The Client is one of the top three office supplies providers in North America. It has a large IT division which is responsible for the maintenance of an extensive IT infrastructure. As with any IT division, it enters into a large number of contractual agreements to acquire hardware and services. The process of negotiating contracts and ensuring that the correct contractual verbiage is entered into the contract is critical to the business. This has both operational and legal implications.
The basic objective of the project was to streamline and standardize the manual and haphazard contract management processes the Client had before the implementation of SAP Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM). This step automated contract negotiation and the generation of contracts. A contract’s lifecycle extends from vendor identification to contract expiration and various stages of this process which had to be automated in CLM.

Standardize contract management processes
CLM automates generation & negotiation of contracts
The following services were performed by Data-Core Systems to achieve the project objectives:
- As-Is process analysis and documentation.
- Blueprinted the To-Be process in CLM.
- Designed contract templates and modifications as per CLM needs.
- Performed contract Template uploads.
- Workflow design and implementation.
- Supplier Registration process implementation.
- Contract e-signature (Echo-Sign) implementation
- SAP ECC Outline Agreement integration configuration.
- Master Data conversion and load.
- Existing contract conversion and load-in text searchable format.