
Travel and Transportation Automated Testing and Framework

Cost Benefits to Real Time Reports

Who is the Client?

The Client is the official European distribution channel of a large European country’s railways for sales of high-speed and conventional rail travel throughout the country as well as the rest of Europe.

Over 50% reduction in man hours

What services did Data-Core provide?

Data-Core developed automation framework so the Client can easily keep track of regression test cases, which verifies that software previously tested and in use is performing as it should after being interfaced with additional software. This was done for all of the Client’s rail routes.

Using the framework developed by Data-Core, the Client reduces both time and man hours. When done manually, high priority Non-Regression Test cases may take 40 hours weekly to complete, with additional hours needed for the balance of cases. Using Data-Core’s framework, the Client requires less than half the time to create data and cover the routes. The rest of the work is done by the framework, which uses minimal man hours.

SELENIUM Automation with Github – Used for Automation testing activities for all UI applications, this integration enhances the quality of each patch and release. Runscope Automation – Used for Automation testing activities for all the APIs, allowing schedules to be activated and results made easily accessible. If there are any issues, clients are automatically notified by email.

Runscope Automation – Used for Automation testing activities for all the APIs, allowing schedules to be activated and results made easily accessible. If there are any issues, clients are automatically notified by email.

SELENIUM Automation with Github

What other services did Data-Core provide?

Data-Core has developed the automated testing framework for the Client’s travel management software Euronet web services using SOAPUI.

Phase 1: The project was managed with test step and tear down level groovy script. A customized HTML and Excel report is generated at the end of execution and xml request and responses are saved for failed scenarios.

Phase 2: Data-Core completed a second version of the project with Junit framework and Maven integration using Eclipse editor. Properties are created to fetch different environments and SoapUI xmls during runtime. While the test is run, all test cases are executed automatically. After the execution a test report is created and the results are sent to specified email IDs.

Junit framework and Maven integration using Eclipse editor

SoapUI integration

In Summary…

Data-Core is maintaining the test assets of the project in SQUASH TM tool. It has enabled the Client to get real time details of all testing activities. Data-Core is also providing the back-compliance, migration and roll-back testing during each release, which allowed for a smooth transition to production for each release.

For both the automation framework and the Euronet applications, Data-Core delivered all products and services on time and met all the requirements. Data-Core continues to provide ehancements and change requests for the applications, websites and APIs.

Solution for European railway service giant